Professor Charles Ling's Data Mining and Business Intelligence Lab

The Lab is led by Prof. Ling, and main members include Prof. Ling's PostDoc, PhD and MSc students, and visitors.

Here is a photo of Prof. Ling and some of his former graduate students.

The Lab is located in Room 27A in the MC Building on the main campus of Western University. You can see the MC Building in the background of the photo.

Many research directions are carried out by Prof. Ling and his Lab members. Below is a summary of several main research directions.

Research Direction One: Deep learning theory, algorithms, and applications, including Lifelong Learning, Few-shot Learning, Transfer Learning, and so on, applied in computer vision, mobile computing, and various areas.


Research Direction Two: Machine Learning Applications in Finance, Business, Marketing, Manufactory, Health and Medical Diagnosis, and so on.


Research Direction Three: Active Learning, Cost-sensitive Learning, Model Evaluation.


Research Direction Four: AI and Education, Thinking Strategies, AI Games for Child Education.
